User Management

In this page, the administrator users of the enterprise portal can be created and deactivated. And, Admin can be able to assign permissions or roles to other users.

Navigation: Manage ->Users

The list of users are displayed in the Users page as shown below:

Invite the users

Pursue the steps below to invite a new user.

1. Click Invite User to create a new user.

2. Enter the legitimate Email id.

3. Assign the user permissions (by selecting the respective options) to development, handle chats, to perform the role of administrator.

4. Finally click Create Invite to invite the user or Cancel to abolish the creation process.

Search the users

Search by name search bar lets you to explore the user based on their names.

Filter the users

The users can be restrained based on their availability i.e Active Users and In-Activat Users.

1. Click Active Users to view the users who are progressive.

2. Select In-Active Users for filtering the users who are deleted by the Administrator.

Edit the User Profile

Click the user to modify the password and permissions for the user.

Resetting the Password

To update the password of the users, follow the steps below:

1. After clicking the user, click Change the user's Password in the Reset Password section.

2. Provide New Password and Confirm Password the password in the Update Password dialog box.

3. Enter the Admin Password since it is mandatory to renew the user password.

4. Click Update to alter the password.

Modify the User Permissions

The assigned permissions for the user can be modified in the Permissions section.

The permissions can be modified by checking/unchecking the Administrator, Development and Handle Chats user permission options and click Update button.

Chat Configuration

If you enable Handle Chats permission, enter the Chat Configuration settings.

  • Enter the maximum number of concurrent chats handled by the agents in Maximum parallel chats. By handling parallel chats, agents can quickly solve the queries of the customer and the cost per chat session can be reduced.
  • Click Allowed to save Artifacts to allow the agents to add the artifacts in the message they sent.

  • Then assign the permissions (Public, Private, None) to access the artifacts (Message, Document, Media, Location, URL, Tags).
  •  Select Public, Private, or None options next to the Message, Document, Media, Location, URL, or Tags to assign the respective permissions.
    • Select Public to share the artifacts with all other agents in the organization.
    • Click Private if you want to make the artifacts personal and don't want to share it with other agents.
    • Choose None if you don't want to save the artifacts.

These permissions will be reflected in Departments. Go to Admin -> Departments to add the private artifacts. These private artifacts can be added only to the departments belonging to this user (user signed in currently).

Info! Only the administrator and owner privileges of the enterprise will be able to assign the permissions to other users

Deactivate the Users

1. Click next to the user whom you want to disband or remove.

2. Click Deactivate to delete and make the user inactive or Cancel to invalidate the process.

Activate the deleted users

1. Filter the deleted user by selecting the In-Active radio button option.

2. The deleted user can be re-activated by clicking the Activate user option available in the list of deactivated users.

In the example given above, the user sai krishna is reactivated and displayed in the Users page.


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